Thursday, 11 April 2013


Ideology- A system of ideas and ideals formed, espeshially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Meme- An idea that spreads from person to person with in a culture.

Tropes- Memes eventually become tropes. A common or overused theme or device become conventions or cliches.

As music has evolved it has split in to different sub genres which have evolved in to certain tropes. When a band first comes together they may experiment with particular looks and sounds to see which best suits them.

Pop vs. Rock- Pop music began to get more heavier during the sixties. However their was still a big divide between simple, inoffensive pop and rebelious rock and roll. This divide still exists now between more commercial mainstream genres and more 'hardcore' styles.

Every genre will have evolved its own tropes over the years which invlove lyrical themes, style of dress and intruments used.

Differences between Rock and Pop-

Pop itself is considered as a softer version of rock and roll as it was derived from rock and roll in the year 1950. However, pop music is a genre that seeks to reach out to a larger audience where as rock music identifies itself as a sub-culture or an ideology that does not reach out to the masses. Pop music is normally performed solo, unlike rock which is usually identified in a band structure. Rock artists also like to perform more live gigs as they like to be motivated by the crowd and their supporters.
Pop music is known to be more about love and heartbreak where as rock is more about the 'sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll'.

At the beginning of The Beatles they would have been seen as a pop band. However when the drug years came some say they became rock spilling over into psychedelic.

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