As my music magazine appeals to quite a niche audience i dont think it would be distibuted by a large media institution as it probably would not make the amount of money that they would want to keep publishing it. For this reason i think that D.C Thomson and Co. might like to distribute my country music magazine as they are a UK publisher for magazines, comics, pocket books and picture books for childen, teenagers and adults. They are also not a well known company for selling music magazine's so they may profit from my magazine.However, this could also be a bad decision for me to judge as people may not buy a magazine if the publisher is not well known because they do not think it will meet their standards and needs. D.C Thomson and co are located in Dundee in the United Kingdom.They distribute 'Beano', 'The Evening Telegraph' and many other magazine's and newspapers. They also distribute 'The Scots Magazine' which i think has the same typical elements as my country music magazine.
About D.C Thomson and co. Ltd magazine-
D.C. Thomson is very much a family firm and has been publishing newspapers since 1905 but the family were involved in both newspapers and shipping before the actual formation of the company itself.
The Company was founded by William Thomson – grandfather of our current Chairman Andrew Thomson – and his two brothers David and Frederick. It was David or D.C. [Thomson] who was asked to run the company for the family at that time. The three Directors of the company are descendants of our founder and other members of the Thomson family also continue to work in the business.
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