Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Effects models for music magazines

The 'Hypodermic Needle Model' is all about sending a message to an audience that will be wholly accepted. However this is a very outdated view of media effects that is understood by many people but not entirely accepted anymore. The 'Two Step Flow' is the modern version of the hypodermic needle model. An example of the two step flow would be a person seeing another person reading a music magazine and wanting to read it themselves. This may be because they dont want to seem 'uncool' by others who read the magazine. Once one person starts reading a magazine, others may 'follow the leader' which is a positive multiplier effect for the magazine company as they get more sales. The 'Obstinate Audience Theory' is about the audience actively selecting what messages they want to recieve and understand from the media. The media often responds to its audiences by seeing what they like and what they 'want, however this is often just what the media think we would want to see and hear. The 'Drip Drip Drip Effect' or 'Cultivation Differential' is the most common and accepted media effect. It beleives that the mass media does effect our attitudes through repition of messages recieved by audiences. An example of this would be seeing an advert on TV a few times every day. This would gradually reinforce the message of the advert and make the audience beleive it is right. This would apply to music magazines by advertising something in the magazine or introducing a new band and new things about them each week. This may make the audience gradually start to like them as they learn new things about the band.
Uses and gratifications in music magazines lets the audience know new things about the bands they like. An example of this would be someone telling another person a fact about a particular band and feeling good about knowing it because the other person doesn't. This effect can also be known as the dominant model. 'Reception Theory' is the meaning of a 'text' with in the text itself. This theory rely's on the readers cutural competence and media literacy and the audiences overall opinion of the media.

In my opinion i think that the drip drip effect is very clever and has the most affect on an audience. It shows that almost anything can be thought of by a person if they are constantly given slow, drip feeding information about it. However, using this theory can also make people not like something that is being considered because they are constantly hearing about it or seeing it somewhere.


  1. Ok, a good understanding of the key audience theories Hannah.
    Next steps: Include/consider how this may apply to a country magazine and in your construction - how will you be influencing your target audience? What uses and gratification will your magazine serve? Escapsism/entertainment? Information? Social identity? Consider this in your construction(maybe in your mock up?) and explicitly refer to it.

  2. Research needs to be blogged asap.
