Thursday, 7 February 2013

What pleasures do people get from reading magazines?

For some people it comes a ritual or a routine to read or buy a magazine every week. This is most likely because they like the information that is in the magazine, but some may just like the pictures on the front or the way the magazine looks. This is because most people just like the visual culture of magazines and buy them just to look at and not actually read. It also gives a person something to do, providing entertainment and diversion from real life. People are probably more likely to buy a magazine if they know about the genre and what its based on so they feel more knowledgeable. Many magazines also provide information that readers will want to know, espeshially music magazines releasing tour dates. You can also feel part of a community when reading a magazine and like the magazine is talking to you itself, which may also plant ideas in a persons mind of what they like and dislike. Someone may also buy the magazine for the freebies that you get with them even though you would probably only skim a magazine and not properly read it.

Most music magazines are normally aimed at niche audiences who probably are not included in mainstream music. You would be the same as the person who reads the magazine but different from a lot of other people which is quite chanllenging for some music magazines.